OLI MVE-Milling External Electric Motovibrators

Widely used by leading OEMs in the flour-milling industry

Designed to be applied on sieving machines, which represent the core of any flour mill.


Providing 1,200 or 1,400 kg of centrifugal force with 8 or 10 poles, MVE Milling External Electric Motovibrators are designed to be applied on sieving machines which represent the core of any flour mill. “MVE Milling” come with ATEX ExII3D certification opencast applications in the presence of potentially flammable dusts in hazardous environments.

“MVE Milling” External Electric Motovibrators consist of an electric motor housed in a sturdy FMEA-designed cast casing, with eccentric weights fitted on both shaft ends, adopting oversized roller bearing to withstand heavy-duty operation.

“MVE Milling” External Electric Motovibrators are available with 8 or 10 pole motors only, due to the low rate of rotation (rpm) required for this application.

“MVE Milling” External Electric Motovibrators are designed application on sieving machines where the different grain components are finely separated classified. Each sieving machine is typically fitted with two “MVE Milling” External Electric Motovibrators mounted in parallel to exploit linear centrifugal force in order to shake the clean at low frequency high amplitude. This has proven to be the best combination to obtain fine accurate separation.

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